Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hey guys I am putting up my new post. Today my cousin Nena had her first baby boy! She has a baby girl, well I would say more of a toddler because she can say a lot of words now and she is very cute. Well here am I at the hospital with the new baby boy. His name is Elias; it's Spanish for Elijah. AAWWW, how sweet. In my family every newborn baby gets a nickname. In the car on our way out, my family was talking about the nickname thing, and my dad said when he goes to school people might be calling him Eli. I think that's a cool nickname. But the nicknaming stuff isn't up to me, it's up to the grandfather. Their grandfather is my uncle. He comes up with really cool nicknames except for my dog. He gave a nickname to my dog and calls him Thor. It gets really annoying 'cause his name is Boomer and my dog keeps barking at him for saying, "Shhh Thor." It's like we have to keep repeating Boomer to him. Oh well, he will finally call him by his real name one day...(Hopefully.) Well, back to my story with Elias, he is really adorable. My mom said he had his dad's lips. I kinda chuckled at that 'cause you could really tell. He is nineteen inches long and weighs five pounds and fifteen ounces. WHAT A SMALL BABY. Well, we were all small once.

My wish for Elias is that he will grow in the spirit of the Lord and he will do God's commands.
I am sure he will grow in the works of the Lord. That's my story of Elias.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Nelley's Tellings

OK I just want to say that staring a new blog for me is kinda awesome. Well my first blog will be about my family....LOOK, it was the only thing that popped in my head so deal with it!

I am going to start with my dad. I guess all I can say about my dad is that he is a preacher and he will do whatever it takes to serve the Lord. But when he is a at home dad... stay away from him! Just kidding. I love my dad with all my heart. To prove it when he first went to Guatemala I missed him on the first day. Reagan and I were having like these day dreams that what if he died in Guatemala and were all so sad but we new that would never happen.

For my mom I would say she is more on the quite side like Me... I guess that's where I get my quietness from. Well back to my mom she is smart intelligent and also teaches my sister and Me. I got to say she is very good at it. My mom is also a great Mother, she helps me with all kinds of stuff like help me pack for trips, and helps me read hard words that are really big for me.

Now time for Adrian, OH WHERE DO I BEGAN? HM I know, Adrian is really good with high tech stuff, like today my sis was trying how to figure out how to make her blog and she didn't know how and my mom didn't either and what did they do? They waited for Adrian to fix it, did he? Well by the end of the day Reagan had figured it out but you get the point.

Last but not least Reagan. Oh boy Reagan, do I have allot to say about her. Well to start Reagan is like a sister you could always have. We have had some really good laughs together I would tell you but you would probably think it was the dumbest thing ever, but to us it was pretty funny. But sometimes we have allot of fights. For some reason all the fights is what I remember most it's really weird? Also, there is Boomer. Well he is a dog and all that dog stuff you know.
Well that is my family.
Thanks for reading my blog, Nelley's Tellings!